The water saving hand shower/shower head and tap attachment
- The saving results of the devices are based on reducing water usage in a unit of time
- The shower enjoyment by using water saving devices doesn't cause the loss of comfort
- A conventional shower spends approx. 20 liters water per minute, a water saving shower spends only 8 liters water per minute
- By shower bath of 5 minutes you can save (20 - 8 ) x 5 = 60 liters
- The guarantor Systemy Wodooszczędne Wagner (Water Saving Systems WAGNER) grants the three years guarantee for a reliable operation of sold devices.
- In the case of device defects during the guarantee period the guarantor is obligated to correct the defects or - if the reparatory is not possible, to change the defective device for an operative device within 14 days from receipt of the defective device. technicznie w okresie 14 dni od otrzymania wadliwie działającego urządzenia.
- The guarantor is not liable for defects caused independently from him, like: improper handling, aimed destroying, vandalism.